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Valle : Book 2 of the Heku Series Page 5
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“We didn’t lose anyone, Em, lay back down,” Chevalier said. He suddenly understood why his troops were so eager to help him retrieve Emily.
The heku guard nearest her removed his uniform jacket and laid it across her legs, then returned to his post.
Emily looked up as the building shook.
“Helicopter is here,” Chevalier said, and picked Emily up. He looked one last time at the destroyed castle and then carried her outside. She watched the troops as she passed, scanning for signs of injury, but found none. Her arms were numb and lifeless, trapped in her lap.
Kyle was already in the helicopter when the two of them arrived, and they were soon up above the snowy compound, headed for the island.
Dr. Edwards was waiting in Emily’s room when she walked in, being supported by Chevalier. She smiled at him and sat down on the bed.
“What have we here?” the doctor asked, and looked over the many cuts and bruises on her.
“It’s good to see you again,” Emily said as he began checking her over. When he saw bloody welts from the lashes on her back, he stood up and faced Chevalier.
Chevalier frowned when the doctor swallowed hard, his eyes nervous.
“I’ll need her to come to the hospital,” the doctor said.
“Is it that bad?” Kyle asked.
“No, I just…” Dr. Edwards’ eyes looked nervously at the heku. “I just need to make sure she’s… well… safe.”
“We didn’t do this!” Kyle yelled, but Chevalier stopped him before he could say more. He looked at the doctor, not angry, but grateful at the concern and bravery he showed for Emily.
“It’s ok. She’s safe here. She was held captive for the last four weeks, and we just barely got her back.”
The doctor relaxed some, “Oh, well then, let’s see.” He pulled out a harsh chemical and started applying it to Emily’s back. She winced as the chemical did its job.
“Lay back,” the doctor said when he was done with her back. She laid down on the soft bed and reveled at how wonderful it felt.
The doctor checked the cuts and bruises over her entire body, and then grabbed his bag when Emily screamed as he moved her arm.
Her eyes widened when he brought out a small bottle and a syringe, “No!”
He jumped and looked up at her, “What?”
Chevalier grinned, “Just do it. It’s faster if you don’t ask her.”
Emily glared at Chevalier, “No shots.”
She turned to protest, but the pinch in her thigh let her know she was too late, “Hey! I said, no.”
The doctor looked at Chevalier nervously, but the heku smiled back.
“Emily, what is this?” Dr. Edwards asked, motioning to the crook of her arm where numerous puncture wounds were visible and the area was highly inflamed.
“They took blood,” Emily said, her words starting to slur.
“How often!?” the doctor asked, frowning.
Everyone looked up at her to see why she didn’t respond, but she was asleep.
“Ahh, its working,” the doctor said, and turned to her shoulder. He lifted her arm, rotated it gently, and then did the same with the other.
“Her shoulders are badly sprained, was she...?” He didn’t know how to finish.
“Yes, she was hanging by her wrists,” Kyle said, looking at the floor.
The doctor huffed and felt along her arms, and then studied her bloody wrists, “Wrists are sprained, too.”
He pulled a bottle from his bag, and spread a thick yellow medicine over the torn skin around her wrists, and then wrapped them tightly with gauze before covering that with an ace bandage.
Lastly, the doctor moved to her abdomen and poked around a bit. Chevalier avoided his glance and focused on Emily’s peaceful face.
Finally, he spoke, his jaw clenched, “Did they hurt her when they…”
The doctor looked up at him, “When they what?”
Chevalier sighed, “Took the baby.”
Kyle winced.
“They didn’t take the baby,” the doctor said, frowning.
Chevalier looked up at him, “Ulrich said they aborted the fetus.”
“I don’t think so,” the doctor said, pulling out an odd looking electrical device. He placed it against Emily’s lower abdomen and moved it around a bit, finally settling on a rapid heartbeat.
“Baby sounds good to me,” he said, looking up at Chevalier confused.
Chevalier’s eyes widened, “That’s the baby?”
The doctor nodded, “Yes, and the heartbeat is good.”
His face lightened and he kissed Emily’s hand.
“How long is she out for?” Kyle asked, looking down at Emily.
Dr. Edwards grinned, “A while. I’ll call tomorrow to check on her. Keep ice on that bruise on her face.”
Chevalier nodded.
The doctor hesitated, and then left the room.
“We have the video surveillance tapes from inside of Emily’s room,” Kyle said as soon as the doctor left.
Chevalier looked up at him, “We do?”
Kyle nodded and disappeared, returning with a laptop.
“Let’s have a look,” Chevalier told him and moved to the table.
For the next seven hours, Chevalier and Kyle watched the four weeks’ worth of surveillance video on Emily. They fast forwarded through the parts when nothing was happening, and concentrated in on when there was. Chevalier watched carefully and his eyes flared as Emily was repeatedly tied to the bed and examined by the strange heku.
Kyle hissed as she was left restrained for hours, and both heku watched the agony on her face. Chevalier paused the video when a clear shot of Tim appeared. He memorized his face, automatically committing every part of him to memory.
They grinned as Emily fought the enemy heku and was able to single-handedly floor four of them, but the punishment that followed was torturous to watch. Chevalier leaned forward and growled when Emily ran into Tim’s arms and began to kiss him. Kyle looked away. When she slipped off her over-shirt, Chevalier looked over at her on the bed and glanced quickly at the ring on her finger.
He looked back to the video as the two of them went into the bedroom and from the angle of the tape, he could see Tim undressing. He gasped loudly, and Kyle turned around just in time to see Emily tie Tim to the bed and leave, shutting the door behind her. They both grinned at the pleased expression on her face. They timed it, and she left him tied to the bed for almost 14 hours before the heku came and took her away.
As the video ended, Kyle deleted the file and bent the laptop, breaking it in half.
He tossed the laptop off the balcony and came back, smiling, “She put up quite a fight.”
Chevalier smiled at her as she slept, “That she did.”
“But at what price?
He moved over to the bed and looked at Kyle, “You may go.”
Kyle nodded and left the room quickly.
Chevalier joined Emily in bed and wrapped his arms around her. She pulled closer to him in her sleep.
Chapter 5 - Chevalier
“Why do you have to go?” Emily asked. She was sitting up in the bed, resting her arms in her lap.
“The Elders called Kyle and I to a meeting about the attack on the Valle. I have to go,” he explained, and continued to brush her hair gently.
“Then let me go,” she said, turning to him as he finished. She didn’t have full use of her arms yet, any time she extended them past her waist her shoulders screamed.
“You’re not ready for travel,” he told her, and put the brush down.
“I am too, there’s nothing wrong with me,” she said, and set her jaw.
“Em, I don’t know what all is going to happen at this meeting. I killed the lord of a large Valle coven, and I also let it slip that I’m bonded to you, and now the Elders know of your abilities… it’s too dangerous to have you there.” He was getting frustrated that she couldn’t see the danger.
Emily grinned up at him, “Fine… as soon as you and Kyle leave, I’ll just go back to the mainland for a bit.”
Chevalier growled, “Emily.”
She smiled up at him sweetly.
“Damnit, Em, you need to stay here until I get back.” His hands were balled into fists.
“No,” she said, she knew she was winning.
Chevalier growled, “Fine.”
Emily kissed him lightly and smiled.
The helicopter taking off sent Emily’s stomach into a spin. She turned away quickly before Kyle or Chevalier could see her face and she watched the ocean fly by. It seemed like an eternity to Emily before the helicopter started to descend into a good-sized city in the middle of a dense forest.
The helicopter was greeted by four large heku dressed in deep green robes with their faces hidden. Emily hugged Chevalier’s arm tightly as they were led into the largest of the buildings. He smiled reassuringly at her.
The Council was already convened and waiting their arrival. Emily looked up, wide eyed, as the twelve heku looked down at them. The chair to the right of Elder Maleth was empty. The Council erupted in an odd murmur as they caught the scent of Emily. Members of the Council were turning in their seat, away from the enticing aroma.
Emily shifted uneasily and Chevalier glared at them as they turned back around. He was ready to spring if anyone attacked. These were the eldest and most respected of the Equites, and they were able to resist what others could not.
Selest stood, “Thank you for coming so quickly, Chief Enforcer.” She was speaking to Chevalier but looking curiously at Emily.
Emily shifted nervously and grasped Chevalier’s arm tighter.
“I see you brought your second in Command.” She nodded to Kyle.
She flashed a warm smile to Emily, “Good to see you again, Child.”
Emily looked up at her and fought to keep from running. She didn’t realize how intimidating the council chambers were, with their bright lights pointed directly at whoever was addressing the Council and the way the Council looked so far down on them.
Selest sat and Maleth stood, “Let’s get started. We have numerous complaints from the Valle Elders. We’ll read them now.”
As Elder Maleth read the accusations, Emily could feel Chevalier tense.
Destroyed Valle coven city Debalih
Maliciously slaughtered innocent heku
Sought out and killed the unarmed Lord of Debalih
Freed two prisoners from the dungeons of the castle
Tortured and killed top Debalih officers
Kidnapped the granddaughter of the Lord of Debalih
Viciously tortured a mortal man found within the city of Debalih
Stole the city crest that was housed in the castle
When he was done, he looked at Chevalier, “You had a busy day.”
Chevalier glared up at him, “Lies, they are lies. Surely you know that.”
Maleth nodded and turned to Kyle, “Let’s address each one, shall we? Begin with destroying the city of Debalih.”
Kyle stepped forward, “We didn’t harm the actual city, but we did kill anyone we came across, as ordered.”
“Did you order such?” Maleth asked Chevalier.
“Yes, I did.” He stood tall.
“Under what power do you call upon to order the killing of innocent heku?”
Chevalier looked straight into his eyes, “Under the power I was given to do all I could to retrieve what we were after.”
Elder Selest grinned, “We did give him that power.”
Maleth nodded, “That also answers the second accusation. Did you seek out and kill the unarmed lord, Lord Ulrich?”
Chevalier looked up at him, “He wasn’t unarmed, just over matched.”
“Easy enough,” Maleth said, then paused before continuing, “Did you free two prisoners from the dungeons?”
Kyle answered, “We freed one prisoner, the one who led us to Emily, and I’m guessing she was the second prisoner we freed.”
Maleth frowned, “Was she in the prison?”
Chevalier nodded, “Yes, hanging by her wrists from the rafters after having been beaten.”
Emily blushed and looked at the floor.
“Is this correct, Child?” She was too embarrassed and simply nodded to the floor.
“We will return to that,” Maleth said. “Did you torture high-ranking officials?”
Chevalier stifled a grin, “Yes I did, when they wouldn’t give me straight answers.”
“I see, and the granddaughter?” he asked.
Chevalier looked at Emily, “I don’t think it was a kidnap as much as a rescue.”
Maleth nodded, “We will make sure they understand that.”
Maleth turned to Chevalier, “I don’t understand how you can justify torturing a mortal man, though, Chief Enforcer.”
Chevalier began to speak, but Emily interrupted him, “I think that was me.”
Maleth frowned at Emily, “What was you, Child?”
“I tortured him.”
The entire Council chambers fell quiet.
Selest stood, “Explain please.”
Emily sighed, “He was living with me and was… pushy.” She winced and looked up at them, “So I restrained him to the bed for a while.”
Chevalier added, “Restraints used on Emily frequently, restraints there were situated as to cause muscle spasms and intense pain.”
A rumble roared across the Council.
“Is he speaking the truth, Emily? Did you put the mortal in the same restraints that were regularly used on you and caused pain?” Selest asked, softly.
Emily nodded, “I’ll take responsibility for that. That happened before Chevalier and Kyle even got to the city. Send the punishment to me.”
Leonid rose angrily, “There will be no repercussions for that.”
Chevalier growled, “She was already punished by the Valle for that.”
Selest spoke, “Everyone calm down, let’s get on with this.”
Maleth spoke again, “Lastly, did you take the city crest?”
Chevalier looked into his eyes, “We took nothing but what we came for.”
The Elders turned away from them and spoke quickly.
Selest stood, “Very well, now leave us with Emily.”
Emily’s hand tightened on Chevalier’s arm.
“Why?” he hissed.
“We wish to speak to the child… alone.” She smiled down at Emily.
Chevalier’s body tensed, but he pulled away from her grasp and whispered in her ear, “It’ll be ok. Kyle and I will be right outside.”
Soon, Emily found herself standing alone in the bright lights with the twelve heku looking down at her. Without thinking, she wrapped her arms around herself.
“Breathe, Child,” Leonid said, smiling at her.
She took a deep breath and ran her eyes along the heku.
“You are safe here with us. We can control ourselves,” he said reassuringly.
“What is the cause of your enticing blood, Child?” one of the Council members asked, inhaling slightly.
Emily blushed, “Chevalier thinks it’s because I’m pregnant.”
Selest clapped her hands together, “That is great news, Child! So glad the doctors were wrong.”
Emily blushed deeper and dropped her eyes.
Maleth stayed in his chair and addressed Emily, “Are you well, Child?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Do you mind talking about what happened?”
Emily looked up at him, “Ok.”
“How were you taken?” She could feel all of the eyes on her.
“I don’t remember that… but others tell me I was taken from the pier.”
“Very well, where were you kept?”
“It was under the ground, just a living area, bathroom, and bedroom. They watched me on cameras in the bedroom and living area.” She shuddered as she thought of those rooms.
e you alone?”
“No, there was a guy there, Tim. He’s the one I… well… tortured.” She felt the heat rising back to her cheeks.
“I see,” Leonid said, writing something down. “What was his purpose?”
“He, um.” Emily fidgeted, “He was supposed to break the bond I have with Chevalier.”
A murmur ran through the Council, and Emily shifted nervously.
“It is ok. We’re trying to help,” Selest said.
Leonid continued, “Were you tortured?”
Emily knew they could see the bruise on her cheek and the bandages on her wrists but answered anyway, “Yes.”
“Was there a reason?”
Emily nodded.
“What were their reasons?”
Emily sighed, “The first was because I broke their cameras, I... um… smashed them with a chair a few times. Then I got in trouble for attacking their guards… erm... twice. Then because of what I did to Tim.”
Leonid wrote frantically on the paper in front of him, “What do you mean, attacked their guards?”
“They came in every other day and tied me to the bed to take blood.” She didn’t want to mention the embarrassing measurements.
“Forcibly took blood from you?”
Emily held up her arm, and watched as their eyes fell to the many puncture wounds surrounded by bruises and red, swollen skin.
“Did they say why?” the heku on the end asked.
“To see how strong the baby is.”
He nodded and sat back in his chair.
“So when they had done it enough, I decided to try to fight back. I broke one of their noses… and then took out a kneecap and… one guy… I broke his neck.” She dropped her eyes again and blushed when a few of the Council members laughed.
“It’s ok, Child. We are not here to judge you,” Leonid said, glaring at those who laughed and they promptly stopped.
“You were able to do that much damage to a heku?” Selest asked, impressed.
Emily nodded, “Travis and Kyle taught me that.”
“What was the punishment for your actions?” Leonid asked when everyone was again under control.
“Longer time in the restraints on the bed.”
“Did that cause pain?”
Emily nodded and wrapped her arms tighter around herself, ignoring the painful pull in her shoulders.